Partnership with Russia in Europe


Every relationship has its ups and downs. Despite the generally positive mood between Russia and the 27 member states of the EU, some exceptions prove the rule, and the overall estimate of the temperature of the political relationship lies well below that of a comfortable spring, not to mention summer. Nonetheless, in economic terms the relationship has always been productive, with the Association of European Business even enlarging its operations in Russia.

Several aspects of the differences of opinion between Russia and the EU were examined at the eighth Russia-EU-Roundtable in Brussels, 12-14 April 2010, under the headline “New Challenges for the EU-Russia Partnership”. It was the first meeting of this format in the EU capital. Politicians and experts from Russia and EU countries discussed the effects of the Lisbon treaty on the Russia-EU partnership, common interests in the South Caucasus, cooperation in Afghanistan and Pakistan and possible partnership in the Eastern neighborhood. One theme remained constant, and that was the goal of finally achieving a realistic approach towards a visa-free regime between Russia and the EU.

The Unity for Russia Foundation and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung as joint organizers are proud to present the report of the eighth round table with the protocol of the conference and two articles on the theme of new ideas for a strong relationship between Russia and the EU. They highlight the views from Russia, Europe and Germany.

For the first time, the report will be published only in electronic form. This will give us the opportunity to present the results quickly and effectively before the next Russia-EU summit in Rostov on 31 May. As to how practical and influential our humble thoughts and ideas have been: this will be a topic for discussion at our next meeting, scheduled for spring 2011 in Moscow.

Vyacheslav NIKONOV / Andra GARBER / Reinhard KRUMM, Moscow 2010

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