Spotlight Europe # 2009/11 – November 2009

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Spotlight Europe # 2009/11: Yet another President

In this issue of the «Spotlight Europe» Dominik Hierlemann takes a closer look at the new European leadership structure. The future president might well be a moderator, Europe’s visible representative in the world, or even the people’s president. But whatever the outcome will be, the EU cannot afford the luxury of having a weak president. «Thus it is essential at the outset to clarify the nature of the post and to select a suitable candidate. In the past it was undoubtedly an advantage, albeit a minor one, that a bad presidency lasted for only six months. In the future the President of the European Council will be in office for a much longer period of time.» It is also important to find new functions for future rotating EU presidencies. Hierlemann shows how, more than anything else, it would be possible to enhance the internal effectiveness of the national presidencies.

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