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Towards a Modernisation of EU-Russia Legal Relations?


The legal framework of EU-Russia relations is still determined on the basis of a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) that was concluded in 1994 and entered into force on 1 December 1997. Due to internal developments in both the EU and Russia, several provisions of the agreement have become outdated. Russia developed into a market economy and is on the verge of acceding to the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The EU enlarged to 27 – soon 28 – Member States and went through a process of institutional reform. It is argued that in this context, a modernisation of EU-Russia legal relations is urgently needed. The options for a new comprehensive framework agreement are discussed in light of Russia’s WTO accession and initiatives for regional economic integration in the post-Soviet space.

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№6(67), 2012

№6(67), 2012