Partnership with Russia in Europe

Concrete steps towards cooperation between Russia and the EU

The past few years have seen a distinct improvement in EU-Russia relations. This is partly thanks to the easing of the Russian-US relationship since the reset and the signing of the START II nuclear disarmament treaty, and partly due to the fact that an eastward expansion of NATO is not currently on the table. In addition, Russian membership in the WTO is in reach as never before.

So why not take this opportunity to tackle a couple of long-standing problems? There are security issues: the different options for Euro-Atlantic Security and the triangular relationship between Russia, the EU and NATO, not to mention the unresolved conflicts in the former Soviet Union. Other topics, such as the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement after the Treaty of Lisbon, and the Partnership for Modernization, merit further discussion as well.
These subjects were examined at the ninth Russia-EU-Roundtable “Partnership for Russia in Europe” in Moscow, 14-15 February 2011, under the title “Concrete Steps Towards Cooperation between Russia and the EU.” As during the last conference in Brussels a year ago, one of the main issues in general was the question of visa liberalization between the EU and Russia. This seems to be a core problem and its resolution was described as a necessary step not only towards improving relations but also for transforming them to the next level of mutual understanding.

The Unity for Russia Foundation, Russkiy Mir and the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung as joint organizers are proud to present this report of the ninth round table, on the theme of new ideas for a strong relationship between Russia and the EU. The publication consists of a protocol, written by Katinka Barysch, and two articles on the Russia-EU Treaty: one analyzing the topic from a Russian angle, from Andrei Zagorsky, the other, by Hans-Henning Schroder, looking at it from a German/EU perspective. As with last year’s report, it will be published only in electronic form, in order to present the results quickly and effectively before the next Russia-EU summit in Nizhny Novgorod.

As to how practical and influential our humble thoughts and ideas have been: this will be a topic for discussion at our 10th anniversary meeting, scheduled for spring 2012 in Potsdam.

Vyacheslav NIKONOV / Reinhard KRUMM, Moscow 2011

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