Cooperation between the European Union and Russia. A Matter of Mutual Interest


The Advisory Council on International Affairs (AIV) issued this advisory report at the request of the Senate of the Dutch parliament. The full text of the Senate’s request, dated 22 February 2008, is included in Annexe I.

This report was prepared by a joint committee chaired by Professor A. van Staden, Chair of the European Integration Committee (CEI). The members of the committee were Professor M.G.W. den Boer (CEI), Dr W.F. van Eekelen (CEI), Lieutenant General G.J. Folmer (ret) (Peace and Security Committee, CVV), T.P. Hofstee (Human Rights Committee, CMR), Dr P.C. Plooij-van Gorsel (Vice-Chair of the CEI), Professor J.Q.T. Rood (CEI), C.G. Trojan (CEI) and Professor J.W. de Zwaan (CEI). Professor W.M.F. Thomassen (CMR) participated as a corresponding member. Two former members of AIV committees, Professor F.J.M. Feldbrugge and A.P.R. Jacobovits de Szeged, and honorary member E.P. Wellenstein acted as external experts.

The following persons acted as civil service liaison officers: S.J.F.M. van Wersch, head of the European Integration Department, External Affairs Division (DIE-EX), of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; K.J.R. Klompenhouwer, director of the Southeast and Eastern Europe Department (DZO), also of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; M. Jacobs, head of the Eastern Europe Department (Russia, Ukraine and the Southeast Caucusus), Economic Affairs Division at the Dutch Permanent Representation to the EU; and J. Douma, Deputy Head of Mission at the Dutch Embassy in Moscow. They were also consulted as experts. The executive secretary was Dr S. Volbeda, who was assisted by the trainees Ms S. van Schoten, H. Honnef and S. van Hooff.

In preparing this advisory report, the committee consulted a number of experts in The Hague, Brussels and Moscow. A list of the persons consulted is included in Annexe II. The AIV greatly appreciates their willingness to share their insights with the preparatory committee.

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